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Does your licence provide what you need for Christmas and New Year?

It is vitally important that you check specific hours on your Premises Licence for Sundays as both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fall on a Sunday in 2017. The terminal hour for a Sunday can be earlier than other nights of the week on many Premises Licences throughout the United Kingdom. Some local policies have Sunday closing hours as early as a 10:30pm or 11:00pm, so you may need a Temporary Event Notice to trade to your desired time on both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Some licences will specify hours for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve which may be later than the standard Sunday hours but not all licences will do so.   You must check your licence as soon as possible and as a matter of policy, ensure that any request for a Temporary Event Notice is sent to us before the end of November 2017. It may also be a good idea to think about applying to vary your non-standard timings to include later hours for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve if your licence does not already have the benefit of the longer hours.

If you require more information, want us to apply for a Temporary Event Notice or a variation then please contact us either at or by contacting the person responsible for your work.